
Long Time No See

Long time no blog, although sometimes I blog in Chinese. I almost forgot I had a blog here.

Until today I got an email from Mina... Then I thought of this blog we made together.

Sometimes we lose something, but it is always there, like this empty blog.


Life is like this!

So many people are worried about their future now. Since they are going to get out from the campus and face the society, they just oscillate and don't know what they will be facing to. Walking out from the campus really means to be independent both financially and inwardly. That is pretty hard for girls in their 20s.

Got a big news today! Xuan gave birth yesterday. It is a girl. I can't imagine that my friend already has her own child. And I can't imagine when I have a baby, either. It is magic, totally. How wonderful women have the ability to give birth to a new creature.

Life is like this! New babies are coming into the world. They know nothing about life and society. They are just carefree. When they grow up, they have to face the world, face all the difficulties in their lives. Sometimes I am thinking that if they know about the difficulties they will come across, will they still want to come out? Hummm...


Birthday Party of David and Keith

Today is the birthday of David and Keith. The students from YUST held a birthday party for them. I joined them in the party, because I liked to be with them. They are all very nice people.

When they were singing the song, I almost cried. Although it was in Korean which I couldn't understand, although the song was not for me, they reminded me of the past years' birthday party I had. I just thought of my old friends and couldn't help being moved by the friends I have now. The games we played were so much fun.They made me keep laughing till my tears came out.

I hope I can have such a cool birthday too.


Summer Will Come Back No More..

That's it, just like the title. The summer left us forever. Maybe one day we can go back again, but it will never be the same as before. Life is sad, and it keeps changing, which makes it sader and sader. I will miss the summer forever, but what I can do is only to keep going. I know I will lose it forever, but that is what the life looks like. I am sad, while at the same time I feel released.


I Should Know Myself Better

"I should know myself better, if there is not many of me."

One day, I got so tired of writing those papers that I went out for a walk. It was getting dark outside and there was not even a single cloud in the gray sky. The street lamps were lightened whose pale yellow light made me feel depressed suddenly. Missing home so much, I asked myself why I decided to come to the states all by myself; why I chose a different way from others to be far away from my parents and friends solitarily. Since everybody is looking for something that makes it all complete in their lives, where is that someting that I am looking for?


Some extracts about Love

First best is falling in love.
Second best is being in love.
Least best is falling out of love.
But any of it is better than never having been in love.

Love keeps the stars in the firmament and imposes rhythm on the ocean tides.
Each of us is created it, and I suspect each of us was created for it.

Look at my life.
I'm floating like mercury around the earth.
My footprints shine with stardust.
All because I love you.
All because you love me.

I love life.
I love living life.
I enjoy the art of living.

You rose into my life like a promised sunrise, brightening my days with the light in your eyes.
I've never been so strong.
Now I'm where I belong.

Have enough courage to trust love one more time.
And always one more time.

Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination, full of hope.

It is like air.
We breathe it in, and we breathe it out.

I have been in love and been loved a lot.
And it is very nice.

If you are moved by the sunrise and if rain on the roof makes you cry, you are probably in love.
Or you should be.

Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart.
Be ready.
Here comes life.

I love the tenor sax because it sounds closest to the human voice.
And the human voice is my favorite instrument.

We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable.
It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives.

Love runs through our families, reaches hearts and lives, connecting distant members over miles and time through memories.

Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows one to survive and, better than that, to thrive with passion compassion and style.

A woman who does not trust love will never know the exquisite security of giving herself to another.

Love build up the broken wall and straightens the crooked path.
Its breath, deth, and height cannot be imagined, yet it is small enough to live comfortably in a mustard seed.

I do not trust people who don't love themselves and yet tell me, "I love you."
There is an African saying which is :
Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.

I sustain myself with the love of friends.


Meekness Is Not Weakness

"Meekness is not weakness." When I walked into the classroom, I saw this sentence on the whiteboard. I think both of meek people and weak people will be happy to see it.

After class, I tried to talk with Dr. Walker a little bit, because I was stressed out in this research and writing class and by his tons of assignments. However, the conversation didn't go on like only " a little bit" but turned out to be two hours long. Talking from my paper to literature to American history to Taiwan issue to his family, he was just eloquent. Everytime when I wanted to leave, he came up with new things, and I just didn't know how to stop him. But, it was really nice to talk to him. He is pretty learned.